Is the change of season affecting you?
Time for Acupuncture At this time of year, when the climate is changing and the nights are starting to draw in, our bodies are having to...
Could it be Sciatica?
What is Sciatica? Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve that travels...
Chinese Medicine, old wive’s tale or just plain common sense?
During the last few weeks, I have seen several patients with stiff and painful backs, shoulders and necks. This has coincided with a...
New research supports acupuncture for fertility
A recent study exploring acupuncture for fertility concludes that adding acupuncture to lifestyle changes can halve the time taken to...
Who should I see for Acupuncture?
If you are considering having acupuncture, it is worth understanding exactly what you would be getting from different healthcare...
Can acupuncture help anxiety symptoms?
Do you have anxiety? Anxiety creates a feeling of worry and nervousness. It is often felt when we are facing something with an uncertain...